Thursday, September 9, 2010

Eid Mubaarak!~

Eid Mubaarak to all of you!~

Some random things that people often get confused about regarding Eid:
1- It's not the Islaamic new year (Islaamic new year's on 1st Muharram according to Islaamic calendar)
2- It's just for a day (only on 1st Syawal according to Islaamic calendar)
3- Don't get mixed up with culture & religion, cuz there are some things that Malays do but Islaam don't teach, like traditional food for example, like ketupat.
4- Ramadhaan is better than Syawal if you wanna compare the advantages
And there should be more...and Allaah Knows Best...

So, anyway, once again, Eid Mubaarak to all of you, may Allaah's blessings be upon you, and just for an update, I recently got ideas for more stuff, and if Allaah wills, I'll publish them soon.

Peace be upon you~ c:

And I stand corrected c:

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