Sunday, September 5, 2010

"We're an Ummah, Let's do this together~"

There were these 2 sisters in Islaam who were both classmates and close friends. One of them had made a mistake of getting into a pre-marital relationship which ended, and she tries to change, but as a youth, of course she finds herself caught up in confusion sometimes. Her friend instead, never accepted the idea of the boyfriend-girlfriend thing, but she knows everyone makes mistakes, and the fact that her friend has ended it was a relief. So, one day, she found her friend’s updated relationship status written as ’separated’. She was quite disappointed, but she tried to advise and remind her friend nicely, and sent her a message:

Salaam upon you.

No, no, no… It’s a new chapter remember? It’s not ’separated’, you were never ‘officially together’. Come on, I thought you’re serious being over and done with it. It’s finished. Now your main concern is your studies, and being a Muslim girl is forever your main concern.

Come on, I’m still trying too… I have my own trials that I face too. Everyone has. But sister, let’s put it this way InshaaAllaah…
We’re both cold and shivering in the middle of a chilly downpour. You missed your foot and fell on a puddle, I grab your hand and pull you up and we both continue our journey, walking towards the shelter.

If I can use these, InshaaAllaah~:

* “A believer is like a brick for another believer, the one supporting the other.” (Bukhâri 3 /626 and Muslim 4/6257)

* And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate… (Al `Imran 3: 103)

We’re an Ummah. Let’s do this together~ c;

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