Console yourself with some positive thoughts
(Hey, it's just my suggestions, I stand corrected)
These thoughts can also be useful for other types of misfortunes.
1.Maybe it's not right, maybe this isn't for me (loss of things/friends/goal, etc) Allaah knows what's best for me. I may like something that's not good for me and I may dislike something that's good for me. (But if it's a conflict between a friend who's Muslim, remember you can't totally cut ties with him as he's your brother in Islaam)
2.Maybe it's a trial Allaah has given you, but compare with the more difficult trials the first few Muslims had to go through. Just be patient for a bit. This is nothing compared to their sacrifice of family, blood and life.
3.Shrinks your ego.
4."Oh well, there are many other things to be happy for~"
5.And probably it can inspire you somehow just like how it inspired me to write this Tolerance Kit c;
And after thinking of that, probably you'll feel good you'll forget about being upset and probably say 'Alhamdulillaahi Rabb Al-'Aalameen' (All Praise To Allaah, The Lord of the worlds)
"The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger."
Sahih Al-Bukhari 8.135, Narrated by Abu Huraira رضي الله عنه
Hope this is beneficial. It's just a decent kit, typical of flaws, so I stand corrected. There should be more thoughts - you can think of more yourself. May Allaah guide us in our lives.
We're all going through the same thing, just a bit different here and there, but our destination, our mission, our Creator is the same.
(بارك الله في أمّ أيمن)
و بارك الله فبكم
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