Only that now's not yet the time
Vast blue sky witness my journey
Every step I take, may it be Lillaahi (for Allaah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa)
Alhamdulillaahi Rabb Al-'Aalameen, All Praise To Allaah, Lord of the Worlds
He created us, He loves us, He forgives us, He blesses us...
'Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?' - 55th chapter Ar-Rahman:Verse 13
Our One Lord has bestowed upon us blessings, mercy, bounties, and one of them, just one out of countless of them is Love, which all of us desire for.
In my opinion, Love is pure, just like the other gifts Allaah has bestowed upon us, only that we pollute it. Because I don't think that Love truly exists between a couple when they're not yet Halaal for each other. It may be just lust or another common attraction. Because pre-marital relationships like these, when they're not Halaal, they don't work out, because what else can it be if it's not Halaal other than haraam?
True Love - Halaal Love~
That day I noticed two different types of couples in 2 films. I actually watched the first film because of its stunts and action, but towards the end of the film, the guy and the girl in the movie found out that they both had feelings for each other and hugged. So what about it? What's wrong is that I didn't tell you that this is a movie by Muslims and in the movie, they're just friends and obviously non-mahram to each other.
Yeah? These fantasies often seem nice and great to be in that they influence viewers so much. And this is the wrong message they spread... So much for your 'It's just a movie'. And what if unappropriate scenes are exposed to the young? What will become of the next generation? Just like what happened to the current one because of the influence from the West. It's just a movie.
The other film was more of a documentary than a movie. I was actually looking for an inspiring movie on Islamic Love for this article. The title of the film was really nice 'A Jihad For Love'. And when the film started, one of the introductions of the film was written as 'Halal Films' production if I'm not wrong, and I was more convinced. However to my disappointment, it was totally out from what I was looking for. It turned out to be a documentary on homosexuality where they interviewed gays and lesbians who are Muslims.
Another type of couple, definitely not Halaal for each other.
I still haven't found the perfect movie depicting a great Halaal Love story, but I have my idea of Halaal Love. Actually I did write a story quite long ago that's got to do with Islaamic Love but it's incomplete and it's been quite long since I last continued writing it. If you wish for a synopsis or an idea of what it's about...:
It's a story about these young Muslim students who study at the same Islamic University and found themselves helplessly falling in love. However they go through funny, awkward and unexpected situations when they try to push their feelings aside and ignore them. It all happened when Sarah made a visit to the university with her grandfather as Sarah intended to enrol herself there and suddenly unexpectedly gets herself into a totally unexpected incident which made her meet Hafeez Souffi and cause her to meet with a few more great friends where they go through life together as young Muslim youths.
This is just a random drawing of mine that I edited for this article (it's not for my story but has got to do with young Muslims Halaally in Love)
Would you like to motivate me to finish writing it? Well, InshaaAllaah...
Anyway, I thought that True Love which is Halaal should be one where both lovers feel them loving each other because of their One Lord, and try to stick to what's Halaal and help each other with that, and that both of them share a great common desire to be together again in Paradise and most importantly, to be the loyal, grateful servants of Allaah who love each other so much that they feel thankful to Allaah for blessing them with a great lover. And that they love their prophet Muhammad (صلّى الله عليه و سلّم) more than their family and possessions, and love Allaah Most.
Sounds too perfect, doesn't it? Well, of course it's not that easy. It's a trial, remember? It doesn't always have to work out all the time, but if the two are really meant for each other, then shouldn't they be patient and go through the ups and downs together? And when I say they stick to what's Halaal, do I have to mention again about being legally tied via Nikah? c:
Of course make sure you're really prepared and not marry young just because you have a crush on whoever that is.
Abu Hurairah related that the Prophet (peace & blessings upon him) said: “Men choose women for four reasons: for their money, for their rank, for their beauty and for their religion, but marry one who is religious and you will succeed” (Bukhari, Muslim).
I have an experience, NOT IN RELATIONSHIP, but when an unwanted feeling disturbs me. I saw this good-looking actor/singer on TV, which I keep convincing myself that he's not good-looking, and there was a mini battle inside of me - I wanted to kick out that feeling. And Alhamdulillaah a helpful thought came into my mind, that goes something like this:
'Do you really want a guy who's been touched by other girls and has touched other girls (in his acting career)?
Eeww of course not, go away!'
I hope this casual article is beneficial especially that Hadith over there as a reminder - a great tip on looking for the rightful spouse. I hope you will find your rightful soulmate and have a happy Muslim family and for us all to be reunited in our One Lord's Paradise~ Aameen, InshaaAllaah~
P.S: Please do not assume the info in this note is accurate, I myself can't guarantee that. It's just my opinion. And I hope I didn't write anything wrong... Allaah Knows Best
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