'It's not enough to just say "I'm not a homosexual but I don't have anything against homosexuals". You know it's wrong, it's haraam...'
Allaah Knows Best
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Voting is Open NOW for Ramadhaan video contest
Anyone can vote. Don't worry if you're not in Singapore, you can vote too. They need votes. Just go to the link below. Bear in mind, you can only vote ONCE.
Vote honestly c:
Vote honestly c:
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Tolerance Kit: dealing with things that upset or disturb you
I was recently disturbed by some incidents that upset me, and sort of angered me a bit, but I somehow try to shrug it off. However it inspired me to think positively and come up with this article where i'll try to break down the unique advantages that might help you gain tolerance as well when coming across such things c: And i'm also still trying to fight anger...it's not easy~
Console yourself with some positive thoughts
(Hey, it's just my suggestions, I stand corrected)
These thoughts can also be useful for other types of misfortunes.
And after thinking of that, probably you'll feel good you'll forget about being upset and probably say 'Alhamdulillaahi Rabb Al-'Aalameen' (All Praise To Allaah, The Lord of the worlds)
"The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger."
Sahih Al-Bukhari 8.135, Narrated by Abu Huraira رضي الله عنه
Hope this is beneficial. It's just a decent kit, typical of flaws, so I stand corrected. There should be more thoughts - you can think of more yourself. May Allaah guide us in our lives.
We're all going through the same thing, just a bit different here and there, but our destination, our mission, our Creator is the same.
(بارك الله في أمّ أيمن)
و بارك الله فبكم
Console yourself with some positive thoughts
(Hey, it's just my suggestions, I stand corrected)
These thoughts can also be useful for other types of misfortunes.
1.Maybe it's not right, maybe this isn't for me (loss of things/friends/goal, etc) Allaah knows what's best for me. I may like something that's not good for me and I may dislike something that's good for me. (But if it's a conflict between a friend who's Muslim, remember you can't totally cut ties with him as he's your brother in Islaam)
2.Maybe it's a trial Allaah has given you, but compare with the more difficult trials the first few Muslims had to go through. Just be patient for a bit. This is nothing compared to their sacrifice of family, blood and life.
3.Shrinks your ego.
4."Oh well, there are many other things to be happy for~"
5.And probably it can inspire you somehow just like how it inspired me to write this Tolerance Kit c;
And after thinking of that, probably you'll feel good you'll forget about being upset and probably say 'Alhamdulillaahi Rabb Al-'Aalameen' (All Praise To Allaah, The Lord of the worlds)
"The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger."
Sahih Al-Bukhari 8.135, Narrated by Abu Huraira رضي الله عنه
Hope this is beneficial. It's just a decent kit, typical of flaws, so I stand corrected. There should be more thoughts - you can think of more yourself. May Allaah guide us in our lives.
We're all going through the same thing, just a bit different here and there, but our destination, our mission, our Creator is the same.
(بارك الله في أمّ أيمن)
و بارك الله فبكم
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A Great Hadith
"Allah will say to that person of the (Hell) Fire who will receive the least punishment,
'If you had everything on the earth, would you give it as a ransom to free yourself (save yourself from this Fire)?'
He will say 'Yes'.
Then Allah will say, 'While you were in the backbone of Adam, I asked you much less than this (not to worship others besides Me), but you insisted on worshipping others besides Me.'"
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No.551)
'If you had everything on the earth, would you give it as a ransom to free yourself (save yourself from this Fire)?'
He will say 'Yes'.
Then Allah will say, 'While you were in the backbone of Adam, I asked you much less than this (not to worship others besides Me), but you insisted on worshipping others besides Me.'"
(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.4, Hadith No.551)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
"This is what I want.."
Stuck in the middle of a war, she didn't know what to do except to stay close with the strangers she knew as family. She came to this unfamiliar, danger-zone land with the hope of helping lives.
However suddenly, hope emerged as a chopper (helicopter), which had her country's flag painted on it, descended just outside the house in the field. Three soldiers heavily armed got out and ran towards the house she was in. Two of them was on the look-out while the other soldier went up to her. He was young but seemed prepared.
Soldier: We received orders to bring you back home safely. We have to go soon.
She felt relieved and safe but was also confused and hesitant.
Soldier: Come on, ma'am, we'll be leaving in approximately 20 minutes. Go get your things.
She looked at him and said: Can I choose not to go?
He paused for a while and looked down.
He looked up again and asked: "Is this what you really want? To die here?"
"No", she said, "I want to die as a martyr."
He was speechless for a moment. He left her to meet with his friend outside.
He came back to her again with his friend who said to her:
"Ma'am, we received orders to fetch you. This isn't a choice. You have to come with us."
She looked down and nodded as her eyes begin to tear up, "I understand."
"I'm sorry", the young soldier said.
She quickly rushed to pack her things and then hugged the woman and her little children whom she lived with, and then said to them:
"InshaaAllaah I'll be back again."
"InshaaAllaah, my love", the old woman said.
She then left with the soldiers and flew back home safely.
However suddenly, hope emerged as a chopper (helicopter), which had her country's flag painted on it, descended just outside the house in the field. Three soldiers heavily armed got out and ran towards the house she was in. Two of them was on the look-out while the other soldier went up to her. He was young but seemed prepared.
Soldier: We received orders to bring you back home safely. We have to go soon.
She felt relieved and safe but was also confused and hesitant.
Soldier: Come on, ma'am, we'll be leaving in approximately 20 minutes. Go get your things.
She looked at him and said: Can I choose not to go?
He paused for a while and looked down.
He looked up again and asked: "Is this what you really want? To die here?"
"No", she said, "I want to die as a martyr."
He was speechless for a moment. He left her to meet with his friend outside.
He came back to her again with his friend who said to her:
"Ma'am, we received orders to fetch you. This isn't a choice. You have to come with us."
She looked down and nodded as her eyes begin to tear up, "I understand."
"I'm sorry", the young soldier said.
She quickly rushed to pack her things and then hugged the woman and her little children whom she lived with, and then said to them:
"InshaaAllaah I'll be back again."
"InshaaAllaah, my love", the old woman said.
She then left with the soldiers and flew back home safely.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Love Actually~
Longing for the Love that's truly mine
Only that now's not yet the time
Vast blue sky witness my journey
Every step I take, may it be Lillaahi (for Allaah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa)

Alhamdulillaahi Rabb Al-'Aalameen, All Praise To Allaah, Lord of the Worlds
He created us, He loves us, He forgives us, He blesses us...
'Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?' - 55th chapter Ar-Rahman:Verse 13
Our One Lord has bestowed upon us blessings, mercy, bounties, and one of them, just one out of countless of them is Love, which all of us desire for.
In my opinion, Love is pure, just like the other gifts Allaah has bestowed upon us, only that we pollute it. Because I don't think that Love truly exists between a couple when they're not yet Halaal for each other. It may be just lust or another common attraction. Because pre-marital relationships like these, when they're not Halaal, they don't work out, because what else can it be if it's not Halaal other than haraam?
True Love - Halaal Love~
That day I noticed two different types of couples in 2 films. I actually watched the first film because of its stunts and action, but towards the end of the film, the guy and the girl in the movie found out that they both had feelings for each other and hugged. So what about it? What's wrong is that I didn't tell you that this is a movie by Muslims and in the movie, they're just friends and obviously non-mahram to each other.
Yeah? These fantasies often seem nice and great to be in that they influence viewers so much. And this is the wrong message they spread... So much for your 'It's just a movie'. And what if unappropriate scenes are exposed to the young? What will become of the next generation? Just like what happened to the current one because of the influence from the West. It's just a movie.
The other film was more of a documentary than a movie. I was actually looking for an inspiring movie on Islamic Love for this article. The title of the film was really nice 'A Jihad For Love'. And when the film started, one of the introductions of the film was written as 'Halal Films' production if I'm not wrong, and I was more convinced. However to my disappointment, it was totally out from what I was looking for. It turned out to be a documentary on homosexuality where they interviewed gays and lesbians who are Muslims.
Another type of couple, definitely not Halaal for each other.
I still haven't found the perfect movie depicting a great Halaal Love story, but I have my idea of Halaal Love. Actually I did write a story quite long ago that's got to do with Islaamic Love but it's incomplete and it's been quite long since I last continued writing it. If you wish for a synopsis or an idea of what it's about...:

This is just a random drawing of mine that I edited for this article (it's not for my story but has got to do with young Muslims Halaally in Love)
Would you like to motivate me to finish writing it? Well, InshaaAllaah...
Anyway, I thought that True Love which is Halaal should be one where both lovers feel them loving each other because of their One Lord, and try to stick to what's Halaal and help each other with that, and that both of them share a great common desire to be together again in Paradise and most importantly, to be the loyal, grateful servants of Allaah who love each other so much that they feel thankful to Allaah for blessing them with a great lover. And that they love their prophet Muhammad (صلّى الله عليه و سلّم) more than their family and possessions, and love Allaah Most.
Sounds too perfect, doesn't it? Well, of course it's not that easy. It's a trial, remember? It doesn't always have to work out all the time, but if the two are really meant for each other, then shouldn't they be patient and go through the ups and downs together? And when I say they stick to what's Halaal, do I have to mention again about being legally tied via Nikah? c:
Of course make sure you're really prepared and not marry young just because you have a crush on whoever that is.

Abu Hurairah related that the Prophet (peace & blessings upon him) said: “Men choose women for four reasons: for their money, for their rank, for their beauty and for their religion, but marry one who is religious and you will succeed” (Bukhari, Muslim).
I have an experience, NOT IN RELATIONSHIP, but when an unwanted feeling disturbs me. I saw this good-looking actor/singer on TV, which I keep convincing myself that he's not good-looking, and there was a mini battle inside of me - I wanted to kick out that feeling. And Alhamdulillaah a helpful thought came into my mind, that goes something like this:
'Do you really want a guy who's been touched by other girls and has touched other girls (in his acting career)?
Eeww of course not, go away!'
I hope this casual article is beneficial especially that Hadith over there as a reminder - a great tip on looking for the rightful spouse. I hope you will find your rightful soulmate and have a happy Muslim family and for us all to be reunited in our One Lord's Paradise~ Aameen, InshaaAllaah~

P.S: Please do not assume the info in this note is accurate, I myself can't guarantee that. It's just my opinion. And I hope I didn't write anything wrong... Allaah Knows Best
Only that now's not yet the time
Vast blue sky witness my journey
Every step I take, may it be Lillaahi (for Allaah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa)
Alhamdulillaahi Rabb Al-'Aalameen, All Praise To Allaah, Lord of the Worlds
He created us, He loves us, He forgives us, He blesses us...
'Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?' - 55th chapter Ar-Rahman:Verse 13
Our One Lord has bestowed upon us blessings, mercy, bounties, and one of them, just one out of countless of them is Love, which all of us desire for.
In my opinion, Love is pure, just like the other gifts Allaah has bestowed upon us, only that we pollute it. Because I don't think that Love truly exists between a couple when they're not yet Halaal for each other. It may be just lust or another common attraction. Because pre-marital relationships like these, when they're not Halaal, they don't work out, because what else can it be if it's not Halaal other than haraam?
True Love - Halaal Love~
That day I noticed two different types of couples in 2 films. I actually watched the first film because of its stunts and action, but towards the end of the film, the guy and the girl in the movie found out that they both had feelings for each other and hugged. So what about it? What's wrong is that I didn't tell you that this is a movie by Muslims and in the movie, they're just friends and obviously non-mahram to each other.
Yeah? These fantasies often seem nice and great to be in that they influence viewers so much. And this is the wrong message they spread... So much for your 'It's just a movie'. And what if unappropriate scenes are exposed to the young? What will become of the next generation? Just like what happened to the current one because of the influence from the West. It's just a movie.
The other film was more of a documentary than a movie. I was actually looking for an inspiring movie on Islamic Love for this article. The title of the film was really nice 'A Jihad For Love'. And when the film started, one of the introductions of the film was written as 'Halal Films' production if I'm not wrong, and I was more convinced. However to my disappointment, it was totally out from what I was looking for. It turned out to be a documentary on homosexuality where they interviewed gays and lesbians who are Muslims.
Another type of couple, definitely not Halaal for each other.
I still haven't found the perfect movie depicting a great Halaal Love story, but I have my idea of Halaal Love. Actually I did write a story quite long ago that's got to do with Islaamic Love but it's incomplete and it's been quite long since I last continued writing it. If you wish for a synopsis or an idea of what it's about...:
It's a story about these young Muslim students who study at the same Islamic University and found themselves helplessly falling in love. However they go through funny, awkward and unexpected situations when they try to push their feelings aside and ignore them. It all happened when Sarah made a visit to the university with her grandfather as Sarah intended to enrol herself there and suddenly unexpectedly gets herself into a totally unexpected incident which made her meet Hafeez Souffi and cause her to meet with a few more great friends where they go through life together as young Muslim youths.
This is just a random drawing of mine that I edited for this article (it's not for my story but has got to do with young Muslims Halaally in Love)
Would you like to motivate me to finish writing it? Well, InshaaAllaah...
Anyway, I thought that True Love which is Halaal should be one where both lovers feel them loving each other because of their One Lord, and try to stick to what's Halaal and help each other with that, and that both of them share a great common desire to be together again in Paradise and most importantly, to be the loyal, grateful servants of Allaah who love each other so much that they feel thankful to Allaah for blessing them with a great lover. And that they love their prophet Muhammad (صلّى الله عليه و سلّم) more than their family and possessions, and love Allaah Most.
Sounds too perfect, doesn't it? Well, of course it's not that easy. It's a trial, remember? It doesn't always have to work out all the time, but if the two are really meant for each other, then shouldn't they be patient and go through the ups and downs together? And when I say they stick to what's Halaal, do I have to mention again about being legally tied via Nikah? c:
Of course make sure you're really prepared and not marry young just because you have a crush on whoever that is.
Abu Hurairah related that the Prophet (peace & blessings upon him) said: “Men choose women for four reasons: for their money, for their rank, for their beauty and for their religion, but marry one who is religious and you will succeed” (Bukhari, Muslim).
I have an experience, NOT IN RELATIONSHIP, but when an unwanted feeling disturbs me. I saw this good-looking actor/singer on TV, which I keep convincing myself that he's not good-looking, and there was a mini battle inside of me - I wanted to kick out that feeling. And Alhamdulillaah a helpful thought came into my mind, that goes something like this:
'Do you really want a guy who's been touched by other girls and has touched other girls (in his acting career)?
Eeww of course not, go away!'
I hope this casual article is beneficial especially that Hadith over there as a reminder - a great tip on looking for the rightful spouse. I hope you will find your rightful soulmate and have a happy Muslim family and for us all to be reunited in our One Lord's Paradise~ Aameen, InshaaAllaah~
P.S: Please do not assume the info in this note is accurate, I myself can't guarantee that. It's just my opinion. And I hope I didn't write anything wrong... Allaah Knows Best
Friday, September 10, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
My Personal Random Quotes~
'I aspire to inspire others with Your Deen(religion - Islaam), Your Words(Qur-aan) & Your Will (if You Will for me to be able to do it)'
'My heart's in pain, my spirit's still fighting'
'My strength is Your Love, my armour/shield is Your Will, my weapon is for Your Cause (fii sabiilillaah)'
'If my heart hurts with a great wisdom only You know, then let it be'
'We're both cold and shivering in a chilly, strong downpour. You missed your footing and fell on a puddle. I grab your hand and pull you up, and we continue our journey, towards the shelter...' (my view of the Ummah)
'My heart's in pain, my spirit's still fighting'
'My strength is Your Love, my armour/shield is Your Will, my weapon is for Your Cause (fii sabiilillaah)'
'If my heart hurts with a great wisdom only You know, then let it be'
'We're both cold and shivering in a chilly, strong downpour. You missed your footing and fell on a puddle. I grab your hand and pull you up, and we continue our journey, towards the shelter...' (my view of the Ummah)
A Reminder To Be Greatly Grateful
If you think you’re good-looking, reflect on Your Creator who made you that way
If you think you’re intelligent, reflect on Your Creator who inspired you with knowledge
If you think you’re kind, reflect on Your Creator who is The Most Gracious who gave you those good qualities
If you think you’re fortunate, reflect on Your Creator who watches over you and protects you with His Glory
If you think you have special abilities, reflect on Your Creator who gave you something not all have
If you think this is all, don’t underestimate the Glory of Your Lord, but you can underestimate my ability, as I’m unable to come up with everything c:
And Verily Allaah Knows Best…
P.S: But beware of arrogance as it’s dangerous, and beware of making the mistake of looking down upon others
One more thing,… please don’t forget, if we think we’re in misery and misfortune, REMEMBER, it may be that Allaah is helping us by giving us that trial whereby if we’re patient in enduring it, He’ll forgive some of our MANY sins, or it could be that He wants to help us increase our ranks in His sight and make us better Muslims c:
And Allaah S.W.T Knows Best
If you think you’re intelligent, reflect on Your Creator who inspired you with knowledge
If you think you’re kind, reflect on Your Creator who is The Most Gracious who gave you those good qualities
If you think you’re fortunate, reflect on Your Creator who watches over you and protects you with His Glory
If you think you have special abilities, reflect on Your Creator who gave you something not all have
If you think this is all, don’t underestimate the Glory of Your Lord, but you can underestimate my ability, as I’m unable to come up with everything c:
And Verily Allaah Knows Best…
P.S: But beware of arrogance as it’s dangerous, and beware of making the mistake of looking down upon others
One more thing,… please don’t forget, if we think we’re in misery and misfortune, REMEMBER, it may be that Allaah is helping us by giving us that trial whereby if we’re patient in enduring it, He’ll forgive some of our MANY sins, or it could be that He wants to help us increase our ranks in His sight and make us better Muslims c:
And Allaah S.W.T Knows Best
The More You Give, The More You'll Get
"Hidup untuk memberi sebanyak mungkin..” – Laskar Pelangi["Live to give as much as possible.." - (from the Indonesian movie 'Laskar Pelangi' which means 'Rainbow Warriors')]
A few days ago, this random thought came into my mind... I was thinking of the reality of the meaning of the phrase 'The more you give, the more you get' and found it amazingly true.
Some people may think that if you keep giving you'll keep losing, unless you're less fortunate then I suggest you save up first. But I thought, when we give others, which are usually in the form of gifts, and it usually makes them happy (I think it must make people happy, how can a gift be disappointing unless the person is expressionless or the gift is not so a gift itself), then wouldn't you be rewarded for it as a deed?
And I don't think your gift costs more than the reward by Allaah, maybe unless your intentions are faulty...and Allaah Knows Best.
So you give here, in your life, your rewards awaits you in the Hereafter InshaaAllaah, and Allaah Knows Best...
That's why in the movie 'Laskar Pelangi', the wise old man in the story emphasizes on how you should try to give as much as you can in your life, I guess because you'll be rewarded better in Hereafter...
And you shouldn't just think of those pretty boxes with ribbons that gives you excitement and suspense to what's in the inside, gifts doesn't have to be materialistic! Helping others can be in a form of a gift too, and there are many ways to help others.
I'm just reminding to my ability, and InshaaAllaah there's no mistakes in here as I'm spreading this thought...
And we often forget that indeed Allaah is truly Ar-Rahman; the Gracious, the One who gives a lot, the One who gives according to His Will...
Just ponder over the earlier words, and realise how simple it is for Allaah to reward us. He's just waiting for us to remember Him, and do things because of Him... Indeed He is Ar-Rahman... And also Ar-Raheem; The Merciful, The Most Forgiving...and He is More than just that, more than we can imagine...
InshaaAllaah, we all will improve to be better Muslims, to be the grateful creation of The Creator, and InshaaAllaah this benefits...
And Allaah Knows Best
And may the blessings of Allaah be upon you, and may He grant us good tidings and let us all die in Fitrah, in Islaam, in Imaan...
For Your Information,
I have done quite a lot of updates, modifying here and there...
And the most recent update is the Reactions that readers can click on to rate their reactions to the posts. I changed them from (funny), (interesting) and (cool), to (Touching), (Like) and ("Love it!~")
So I hope it's to your convenience and I hope my blog is beneficial to you c:
Thank you
I have done quite a lot of updates, modifying here and there...
And the most recent update is the Reactions that readers can click on to rate their reactions to the posts. I changed them from (funny), (interesting) and (cool), to (Touching), (Like) and ("Love it!~")
So I hope it's to your convenience and I hope my blog is beneficial to you c:
Thank you
Other not-so-major updates f.y.i:
1- blog design
2- blog soundtrack
3- blog wall clock
and others...
Eid Mubaarak!~
Eid Mubaarak to all of you!~
Some random things that people often get confused about regarding Eid:
So, anyway, once again, Eid Mubaarak to all of you, may Allaah's blessings be upon you, and just for an update, I recently got ideas for more stuff, and if Allaah wills, I'll publish them soon.
Peace be upon you~ c:
And I stand corrected c:
Some random things that people often get confused about regarding Eid:
1- It's not the Islaamic new year (Islaamic new year's on 1st Muharram according to Islaamic calendar)
2- It's just for a day (only on 1st Syawal according to Islaamic calendar)
3- Don't get mixed up with culture & religion, cuz there are some things that Malays do but Islaam don't teach, like traditional food for example, like ketupat.
4- Ramadhaan is better than Syawal if you wanna compare the advantages
And there should be more...and Allaah Knows Best...
So, anyway, once again, Eid Mubaarak to all of you, may Allaah's blessings be upon you, and just for an update, I recently got ideas for more stuff, and if Allaah wills, I'll publish them soon.
Peace be upon you~ c:
And I stand corrected c:
When Farewell's More Than Just A Departure...
As the tiny star gets tired of sprinkling some of its own light to the other dimming ones, it slowly fades as the others shine brighter... And when they shine brighter, they'll remember the little star, by then it has disappeared, but has left behind some of its light for the others to use...
"Don't go..."
"Don't cry..."
I can remember me telling you not to go, and you told me not to cry... But you didn't listen to me, and neither did I...

'We all know we don't live forever... We'll all part from each other one day, but Allaah will forever be with us... So, I just pray that with His Will, you and I will meet again in His Paradise...'
"Don't go..."
"Don't cry..."
I can remember me telling you not to go, and you told me not to cry... But you didn't listen to me, and neither did I...
'We all know we don't live forever... We'll all part from each other one day, but Allaah will forever be with us... So, I just pray that with His Will, you and I will meet again in His Paradise...'
Monday, September 6, 2010
"Please Understand.."
Ameer was staring on the ground, looking disturbed and worried while the rest of his friends; Ammar, Yusuf and Bilaal, were chatting cheerfully. Ammar noticed Ameer's strange behaviour. He placed his hand on Ameer's shoulder and asked him:
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"No, nothing. Hey guys, if...if I did something wrong, please tell me alright?" Ameer said with a smile.
His friends were confused. Bilaal spoke:
"Hey are you okay? I don't recall you upsetting us or doing anything wrong recently. Is there anything disturbing you?"
"No", Ameer answered, "I mean, remind me anytime if you see me make a mistake, alright?"
"Okay. InshaaAllaah", they replied as Bilaal shrugged his shoulders.
Ammar stared at Ameer who continued to stare into space, deep in thought. After the friends greeted each other off and dispersed, Ammar confronted Ameer.
"Ameer. Seriously tell me bro, what's wrong?"
"What? About what?"
"You're really strange, man. Did you make a mistake or something?"
"Oh, about the little favour earlier?"
"Yeah," Ammar nodded.
"Can't I just ask you guys to remind me? I was just reminding you to remind me."
"Seriously, what happened? It's just too random to be a coincidence."
"Okay fine, I'll tell you honestly to take the worry off your mind, okay? Honestly, it's like this. I've been advising a lot of people and I kinda noticed that there's a lot to advise around me. I'm just afraid...I'm just afraid that I myself am making a mistake which I can't see, and I don't want that to happen. So, just help me with that, please."
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"No, nothing. Hey guys, if...if I did something wrong, please tell me alright?" Ameer said with a smile.
His friends were confused. Bilaal spoke:
"Hey are you okay? I don't recall you upsetting us or doing anything wrong recently. Is there anything disturbing you?"
"No", Ameer answered, "I mean, remind me anytime if you see me make a mistake, alright?"
"Okay. InshaaAllaah", they replied as Bilaal shrugged his shoulders.
Ammar stared at Ameer who continued to stare into space, deep in thought. After the friends greeted each other off and dispersed, Ammar confronted Ameer.
"Ameer. Seriously tell me bro, what's wrong?"
"What? About what?"
"You're really strange, man. Did you make a mistake or something?"
"Oh, about the little favour earlier?"
"Yeah," Ammar nodded.
"Can't I just ask you guys to remind me? I was just reminding you to remind me."
"Seriously, what happened? It's just too random to be a coincidence."
"Okay fine, I'll tell you honestly to take the worry off your mind, okay? Honestly, it's like this. I've been advising a lot of people and I kinda noticed that there's a lot to advise around me. I'm just afraid...I'm just afraid that I myself am making a mistake which I can't see, and I don't want that to happen. So, just help me with that, please."
Sunday, September 5, 2010
"We're an Ummah, Let's do this together~"
There were these 2 sisters in Islaam who were both classmates and close friends. One of them had made a mistake of getting into a pre-marital relationship which ended, and she tries to change, but as a youth, of course she finds herself caught up in confusion sometimes. Her friend instead, never accepted the idea of the boyfriend-girlfriend thing, but she knows everyone makes mistakes, and the fact that her friend has ended it was a relief. So, one day, she found her friend’s updated relationship status written as ’separated’. She was quite disappointed, but she tried to advise and remind her friend nicely, and sent her a message:
Salaam upon you.
No, no, no… It’s a new chapter remember? It’s not ’separated’, you were never ‘officially together’. Come on, I thought you’re serious being over and done with it. It’s finished. Now your main concern is your studies, and being a Muslim girl is forever your main concern.
Come on, I’m still trying too… I have my own trials that I face too. Everyone has. But sister, let’s put it this way InshaaAllaah…
We’re both cold and shivering in the middle of a chilly downpour. You missed your foot and fell on a puddle, I grab your hand and pull you up and we both continue our journey, walking towards the shelter.
If I can use these, InshaaAllaah~:
* “A believer is like a brick for another believer, the one supporting the other.” (Bukhâri 3 /626 and Muslim 4/6257)
* And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate… (Al `Imran 3: 103)
We’re an Ummah. Let’s do this together~ c;
True Bliss
و الرّبَّ أدعُو مُخْلِصًا, أنتَ رَجَائِي
أبْغِي إِلَهِي جَنّةً, فيها هَنائي
And to The Lord I supplicate (du'a) sincerely, You are my Hope
I desire, My Lord, Paradise, in it is my bliss
(فرشي التراب Dust Is My Bed)
We all crave for bliss...of course, we're humans. But what's truly bliss? That, we have yet to know...
Look around you. Do you think bliss revolves around a couple walking on a path, holding hands?
Or a group of friends hanging out, and laughing about something only they know...
Or maybe the many cosmetics and clothes we buy again and again...
Don't you think you'll ever get sick of it? And if you do, do you think that's bliss? And if you don't, do you think it'll last?
Look, this is just another group of words to ponder on... And so, what do you think True Everlasting Bliss is?
In my opinion, in MY OPINION, it's beyond our knowledge, and it's the reward safe and sound with our One Lord, for those who abide by Him, who does things for the sake of Him... And after all, indeed only Allaah S.W.T knows what exactly True Bliss is...
(Hope this wasn't like a disappointing cliff-hanger to you...And hope you'll find that Bliss InshaaAllaah [With Allaah's will])
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