She can bear 9 months of pain which you know you can’t
You should be grateful despite anything She is still here
If not, Mister, what are you without Her?
She’s the girl of your heart, She’s the mother of your descendants
She’s the reason to your smile, She’s the relief in your disappointment
You feel your forehead on the ground as you thank Allaah for giving you Her
And to bless your love so that it’ll be forever
The best love is without a doubt, one that’s Halal and blessed
The greatest love that stands out and lasts longer than the rest
Therefore protect your family and appreciate them well
For they are the precious gifts from Allaah, which you can never buy and sell
Doesn’t it sound perfect?: ‘Alhamdulillaah, I Live A Blissful Life..’
‘I love my family; my adorable children and my beloved wife.’
But the best thing of all that sounds so great to be true
Is the fact that she gives her love to no other man but you~
(take note: ‘no other man’ excludes mahram; father, brother, uncle, grandfather…)
dini copyright.
“I wish to encourage my Brothers & Sisters towards True Islaamic Love, and I wish to strongly discourage them from falling into the influences of haram love. Please, Be Careful.”

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