I feel the raindrops cleanse my face
On this sad, sad day
I felt relieved that my tears are gone
Now that they’re washed away
But still I can’t control it
My eyes can’t stop my tears from flowing
Cuz the pain is just too much
I just can’t fight this feeling
I feel so sorry, dear Lord
For the fact that I’m sad
Cuz I still miss him and there’s still sorrow
In every tear I shed
I met him and we became best-brothers
I can’t believe he left so soon
But this is the reality we have to face
إنّ لله, وإنّ اِلَيْهِ راجِعون (Inna Lillaahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raaji’uun)
[that means: Verily we came from Him, and verily to Him we return]
dini copyright.
I just found out that a sister named Tiara Malihah, aged 16, just died that morning, coincidentally.
Let us all ’sedekahkan’(give) Al-Faatihah for her, and to those who have returned before us, including those who died in the flotilla of ships heading to Gaza.
And may Allaah SWT take us back when we are in our best Imaan, and take us back in a good way to die.
InsyaAllaah, Ameen Ya Rabbal ‘Aalameen.

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