My friend posted a Qur’aanic verse on Facebook and she encountered a kinda serious comment asking about Allaah. I will post the image of the comment below since it’s quite lengthy, and you can share your views too. (My comments in the images are under my FB username ‘Noordini Noorfuad’.)
ANYWAY, let me just write it down here….cuz the images are kinda confusing~
MY FRIEND’S POST: ‘There is no God but Allaah, Glory to Allaah. Verily I was among the wrongdoers.’ (Chapter Al-Anbiyaa’ : Verse 87)
ASKER: Who or what is Allah? x.x
STRANGER’S REPLY: Allah is our god. The one and only.
ASKER: Oh. Okay. I keep hearing people say. But i don’t know what they’re talking about. x.x
SAME STRANGER’S REPLY: haha Now you know what they are referring too. D hehe
MY FRIEND: He is the Lord of the Universe. Our Creator
ASKER: Yeah. Thanks for telling. (:
MY REPLY: c: Allaah is an Arabic word that means ‘The God’, so it’s actually referring to this specific existing God, the Only One. He is also the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Them). Allaah is also the God of our ancestors and our descendants.
People always ask us why we can’t see Allaah. This is my decent explanation. Like how we cant see the whole universe because it’s too vast, and the sun because it’s too hot, we humans who live only on Earth cant see Allaah, because Allaah created everything including the universe we can never reach, Allaah is Too Great. If the universe is too great, what more it’s creator?
I hope I helped you c:
Thank you so much for your interest in knowing. I pray you’ll find the Right Way. Ameen~
ASKER: Thanks for the explanation. It’s so clear. Sorry for making you waste time to explain Allah to me.
MY REPLY: No, it’s my pleasure, I feel honoured to do so c:
We Muslims are still continuing to improve to be better Muslims to be grateful to Allaah who created us…
To me, you never wasted your time.
Do find out more for Truth, don’t trust the media wholly cuz it’s full of propaganda. I suggest a Qur’aan translation, or a visit to Darul Arqam Muslim Converts’ association of Singapore.
This website is an online translation of the Holy Qur’aan and its chapters. But please note that Arabic can never be translated exactly. (F.Y.I: ‘Allaah’ has 99 names)
ASKER: Oh. Okay. Thanks a whole lot. (:

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