Ammar and Ameer were good-friends. Ammar came from a family who was less fortunate and Ameer, who came from an average family background, would always try to help and make his friend happy, for Allaah’s sake.
One day, Ammar found that he was short of money to pay for his education. Ameer asked him:
“O Ammar, do you have enough to pay for it?”
“Umm…, from my savings,” Ammar showed his box where he kept his savings.
“Is that all?”
“Yes, this is all.”
“How much is that altogether?”
“Oh, actually I just need 20 riyaal left, but nevermind…”
Ameer thought to himself. He wanted to help his friend a lot but the only reason that made him hesitate, was the fact that Ammar would decline it. He tried to think of some way…
Ammar soon left Ameer for a while to welcome his friends who were on the way to meet them. Ameer stayed to take care of their belongings as he was busy doing his own work.
When Ammar was out of sight, Ameer quickly took 20 riyal out of his bag and put it into Ammar’s savings box. Then he carried on with his work as if nothing had happened.
Ammar and the rest of the friends joined Ameer and chatted for a while before they would leave together to go to school. Ammar forgot his worry about his short of money.
Then as they were packing when they were about to leave, Ammar saw his box of savings next to his bag, and his worry filled his mind again. He took it and counted again. He was surprised to see a 20 riyal note that he had not noticed before. He stared at it and asked the rest:
“Whose 20 riyal is this?”
The rest of them shook their heads and replied ‘no’. Ammar turned to Ameer and asked:
“Ameer, does this belong to you?”
Ameer did not want to lie. He wanted to live up to his Prophet’s sayings that a Muslim speaks nothing but the truth. “No,” he answered.
“You were there with me when I was counting my savings. Only you and I know that I was short of 20 riyal. Is this your 20 riyal?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“No. I’m not lying.”
“I told you I’m not lying. Would I lie about lying too?”
The rest of the friends believed Ameer and told Ammar to just accept the money and that maybe he had not noticed it earlier, and that it was a blessing from Allaah.
Soon, they all left together. Ameer spoke in his heart:
“Verily that was from Allaah. The money did not belong to me. It was from Allaah. InsyaaAllaah I did the right thing.”
Sunday, July 25, 2010
My decent answer to “Who or what is Allah?” (Allaah Knows Best)
Peace upon all of you~ I’d like to share what happened recently.
My friend posted a Qur’aanic verse on Facebook and she encountered a kinda serious comment asking about Allaah. I will post the image of the comment below since it’s quite lengthy, and you can share your views too. (My comments in the images are under my FB username ‘Noordini Noorfuad’.)
ANYWAY, let me just write it down here….cuz the images are kinda confusing~
MY FRIEND’S POST: ‘There is no God but Allaah, Glory to Allaah. Verily I was among the wrongdoers.’ (Chapter Al-Anbiyaa’ : Verse 87)
ASKER: Who or what is Allah? x.x
STRANGER’S REPLY: Allah is our god. The one and only.
ASKER: Oh. Okay. I keep hearing people say. But i don’t know what they’re talking about. x.x
SAME STRANGER’S REPLY: haha Now you know what they are referring too. D hehe
MY FRIEND: He is the Lord of the Universe. Our Creator
ASKER: Yeah. Thanks for telling. (:
MY REPLY: c: Allaah is an Arabic word that means ‘The God’, so it’s actually referring to this specific existing God, the Only One. He is also the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Them). Allaah is also the God of our ancestors and our descendants.
People always ask us why we can’t see Allaah. This is my decent explanation. Like how we cant see the whole universe because it’s too vast, and the sun because it’s too hot, we humans who live only on Earth cant see Allaah, because Allaah created everything including the universe we can never reach, Allaah is Too Great. If the universe is too great, what more it’s creator?
I hope I helped you c:
Thank you so much for your interest in knowing. I pray you’ll find the Right Way. Ameen~
ASKER: Thanks for the explanation. It’s so clear. Sorry for making you waste time to explain Allah to me.
MY REPLY: No, it’s my pleasure, I feel honoured to do so c:
We Muslims are still continuing to improve to be better Muslims to be grateful to Allaah who created us…
To me, you never wasted your time.
Do find out more for Truth, don’t trust the media wholly cuz it’s full of propaganda. I suggest a Qur’aan translation, or a visit to Darul Arqam Muslim Converts’ association of Singapore.
This website is an online translation of the Holy Qur’aan and its chapters. But please note that Arabic can never be translated exactly. (F.Y.I: ‘Allaah’ has 99 names)
ASKER: Oh. Okay. Thanks a whole lot. (:

My friend posted a Qur’aanic verse on Facebook and she encountered a kinda serious comment asking about Allaah. I will post the image of the comment below since it’s quite lengthy, and you can share your views too. (My comments in the images are under my FB username ‘Noordini Noorfuad’.)
ANYWAY, let me just write it down here….cuz the images are kinda confusing~
MY FRIEND’S POST: ‘There is no God but Allaah, Glory to Allaah. Verily I was among the wrongdoers.’ (Chapter Al-Anbiyaa’ : Verse 87)
ASKER: Who or what is Allah? x.x
STRANGER’S REPLY: Allah is our god. The one and only.
ASKER: Oh. Okay. I keep hearing people say. But i don’t know what they’re talking about. x.x
SAME STRANGER’S REPLY: haha Now you know what they are referring too. D hehe
MY FRIEND: He is the Lord of the Universe. Our Creator
ASKER: Yeah. Thanks for telling. (:
MY REPLY: c: Allaah is an Arabic word that means ‘The God’, so it’s actually referring to this specific existing God, the Only One. He is also the God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed (Peace Be Upon Them). Allaah is also the God of our ancestors and our descendants.
People always ask us why we can’t see Allaah. This is my decent explanation. Like how we cant see the whole universe because it’s too vast, and the sun because it’s too hot, we humans who live only on Earth cant see Allaah, because Allaah created everything including the universe we can never reach, Allaah is Too Great. If the universe is too great, what more it’s creator?
I hope I helped you c:
Thank you so much for your interest in knowing. I pray you’ll find the Right Way. Ameen~
ASKER: Thanks for the explanation. It’s so clear. Sorry for making you waste time to explain Allah to me.
MY REPLY: No, it’s my pleasure, I feel honoured to do so c:
We Muslims are still continuing to improve to be better Muslims to be grateful to Allaah who created us…
To me, you never wasted your time.
Do find out more for Truth, don’t trust the media wholly cuz it’s full of propaganda. I suggest a Qur’aan translation, or a visit to Darul Arqam Muslim Converts’ association of Singapore.
This website is an online translation of the Holy Qur’aan and its chapters. But please note that Arabic can never be translated exactly. (F.Y.I: ‘Allaah’ has 99 names)
ASKER: Oh. Okay. Thanks a whole lot. (:

MUST WATCH! – A Great Vid recommended for all~
“…When September 9/11 happened, it was easy for me to understand the instructions of Islaam, and its difference between extremist views and it was clear what happened has nothing to do with the authenticity of Islaam and was contradictory to the teachings of Islaam…” – Angela Collins
True Heroes Forgotten In This World, But Dwellers Of High-Ranked Paradise, with His Will – article (Tuesday, 8th June 2010, 12:09 PM)
I write in peace, InsyaaAllaah...
What I’m about to write…it’s all inspired by the courage of those peace activists who were murdered mercilessly by the oppressors who are oppressing the people they aspired to help.
In loving memory of the peace activists who were killed along their journey in pursuing their pure-hearted dreams of saving the oppressed and striving to earn justice for them~
In the name of the One and Only God, I ask of Him to help me write this article without stating any wrong facts or misunderstandings or even insults that may result in any uneasiness or create a commotion among others.
I was recently feeling extremely upset and disturbed because of the death of the 9 peace activists who were, if I can use this word, ‘slaughtered’ onboard the ship ‘Mavi Marmara’, while on a mission to transport humanitarian aid to the needy people of Palestine. I would like to highlight once again that they were PEACE activists.
I found out that the youngest who was killed on the list was a 19-year old Turkish-American young man. He was shot with 5 bullets, I’m not so sure how because the information I’ve been hearing from said there were 4 bullets to his head and one in the chest, while another source said a different story, but they were both similar about the fact that he was shot 5 times. It suddenly upset me… I didn’t know why, but I found it heartbreaking – the fact that he was so young, and he was different from most of the youths today by being determined to achieve his dream of helping his distant brothers and sisters despite the fact it was obviously a great risk. He was also the son of an associate professor at a university, he hoped to become a doctor and was awaiting his results for his university entrance exams, and he was undeniably good-looking.

Furkan Dogan.
I found myself admiring him – his courage, and the changes he would have made if it wasn’t his fate that his life was to be stolen away by the heartless soldiers, God knows what happened at that point of time. Plus, what saddens the most is the fact that he didn’t even reach there. In addition to that, the possibilities that the humanitarian aid will reach the intended recipients seems so unlikely now.
In fact, the feeling I felt that time, almost made me want to take back my words in my previous article that seemed to be defending Israel, by saying that not all are bad, but no, it’s still true. It’s just that the bad ones can be so evil it consumes you with hatred. Even commonsense are sometimes overlooked. The good ones are still innocent and the actions of the evil in fact have got nothing to do with them.
Does the public know that so many peace-activists were killed or seriously injured along the way? The famous heroine Rachel Corrie, who was killed while trying to prevent a Zionist soldier from bulldozing a Palestinian home, she was and she still is a very inspiring person who aspired to help others and had dreams of preventing starvation among the impoverished dying in third-world countries ever since 5th grade. She died at 23.

Rachel Corrie.

Rachel Corrie attempting to cease the intended demolition of a local home.
Brian Avery, was shot at his face, while he and his few friends were trying to prevent the soldiers from shooting the Palestinian children who were throwing stones at the armored tanks.
According to an article of his friend’s recount on the incident, 6 of them, International activists, made themselves visible on the road so as to let the soldiers see that they weren’t the Palestinians, so that they wouldn’t shoot. However, unexpectedly out of a sudden, they started shooting, and Avery’s friend ran for cover, but then he sensed something wrong and turned around, and that’s when he found Avery lying still on his stomach with his hands on his face. Avery’s friend recalled the tank passing by as if nothing had happened when they were all panicking and trying to get the ambulance.
Avery recovered fast and remarkably, 2 days later, and had to write down his thoughts as his mouth was distorted… One of the first sentences he wrote was: “I feel more Palestinian than ever before.” The day he was shot in the face was a week before his 25th birthday.
Extracted from the article on what happened after that; ‘Today he is back with his family in North Carolina. The Israeli Army has yet to take responsibility for his shooting. They sent out a press release the same day saying he was caught in crossfire between armed Palestinians and Israeli soldiers returning fire and that it was most likely a Palestinian bullet. I know that no gun besides the Israeli machinegun opened fire. I know we received no warning before the bullets started coming. I know the soldiers didn’t stop to help. Is that how it feels being Palestinian?’
Another heartbreaking incident… Tom Hurndall, a young photojournalist and an activist, part of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), was shot at the back of his head, while trying to save some traumatized Palestinian children who froze at the spot when the soldiers started shooting. He was in a coma for nine months until he died. He was 22.

Tom Hurndall was shot at the back of his head when he tried to save traumatized children from being shot.
Lastly, James Miller, a Welsh film-maker who was killed during the time he wanted to shoot a documentary on the Palestinian farmers and children. That night, he and his translator and colleague, went out of the villager’s house, to tell the soldiers, who were bulldozing the place outside which was claimed to have a tunnel underground where weapons from Egypt were smuggled, that they were foreigner television crew and not to shoot. They were wearing vests and helmets which had the word ‘TV’ on them, and were waving white cloth. Suddenly three shots were heard; the second shot hit Miller in the neck and killed him instantly. No one was held responsible for his death. The documentary named ‘Death in Gaza’ was released after that.
Of course I don’t believe this is all. There are many others out there who were sacrificed in this endless battle of trying to retrieve justice for those who have been waiting for so long for it… and peace of course.
So now I’m sure we all can see just how ugly, hideous and disgusting inhumanity is… Killing without a thought, just like that. They have no value or care for life. Every soul has their own personal life and others who love and depend on them. So when a person is killed, it IS a very huge thing. Life, love, family and many other things destroyed… I don’t have to elaborate on this. We all should know how terrible slaughter is.
And what happens to Palestine? It seems so helpless… To think that the people who have power to condemn and stop this oppression is not doing anything…but again I’d like to give this thought a chance; maybe the politicians could be threatened seriously or something…but still, this on-going conflict must be interrupted.
I tend to think that the oppression in Palestine is quite similar to the global-warming of Earth…
Problems arisen by mankind, where rescue attempts have become in vain…
But always remember, the ones we condemn are the oppressors, not the Israelis, not the Jews, not anything else, but the oppressors, who have no mercy for others.
The Holy Quran clearly declares that killing an innocent person is equivalent to killing the whole humanity. (5:32 Al-Ma idah) There is also a Hadith on oppressors and the oppressed. A ‘Hadith’ is the reports of the sayings and activities of Prophet Muhammad peace upon him, and his companions.
The hadith: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is oppressed.” The Prophet was asked: “It is right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?” He replied: “By preventing him from oppressing others.”
{Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Hadith 624}
Allaah Knows Best~
What I’m about to write…it’s all inspired by the courage of those peace activists who were murdered mercilessly by the oppressors who are oppressing the people they aspired to help.
In loving memory of the peace activists who were killed along their journey in pursuing their pure-hearted dreams of saving the oppressed and striving to earn justice for them~
In the name of the One and Only God, I ask of Him to help me write this article without stating any wrong facts or misunderstandings or even insults that may result in any uneasiness or create a commotion among others.
I was recently feeling extremely upset and disturbed because of the death of the 9 peace activists who were, if I can use this word, ‘slaughtered’ onboard the ship ‘Mavi Marmara’, while on a mission to transport humanitarian aid to the needy people of Palestine. I would like to highlight once again that they were PEACE activists.
I found out that the youngest who was killed on the list was a 19-year old Turkish-American young man. He was shot with 5 bullets, I’m not so sure how because the information I’ve been hearing from said there were 4 bullets to his head and one in the chest, while another source said a different story, but they were both similar about the fact that he was shot 5 times. It suddenly upset me… I didn’t know why, but I found it heartbreaking – the fact that he was so young, and he was different from most of the youths today by being determined to achieve his dream of helping his distant brothers and sisters despite the fact it was obviously a great risk. He was also the son of an associate professor at a university, he hoped to become a doctor and was awaiting his results for his university entrance exams, and he was undeniably good-looking.

Furkan Dogan.
I found myself admiring him – his courage, and the changes he would have made if it wasn’t his fate that his life was to be stolen away by the heartless soldiers, God knows what happened at that point of time. Plus, what saddens the most is the fact that he didn’t even reach there. In addition to that, the possibilities that the humanitarian aid will reach the intended recipients seems so unlikely now.
In fact, the feeling I felt that time, almost made me want to take back my words in my previous article that seemed to be defending Israel, by saying that not all are bad, but no, it’s still true. It’s just that the bad ones can be so evil it consumes you with hatred. Even commonsense are sometimes overlooked. The good ones are still innocent and the actions of the evil in fact have got nothing to do with them.
Does the public know that so many peace-activists were killed or seriously injured along the way? The famous heroine Rachel Corrie, who was killed while trying to prevent a Zionist soldier from bulldozing a Palestinian home, she was and she still is a very inspiring person who aspired to help others and had dreams of preventing starvation among the impoverished dying in third-world countries ever since 5th grade. She died at 23.

Rachel Corrie.

Rachel Corrie attempting to cease the intended demolition of a local home.
Brian Avery, was shot at his face, while he and his few friends were trying to prevent the soldiers from shooting the Palestinian children who were throwing stones at the armored tanks.
According to an article of his friend’s recount on the incident, 6 of them, International activists, made themselves visible on the road so as to let the soldiers see that they weren’t the Palestinians, so that they wouldn’t shoot. However, unexpectedly out of a sudden, they started shooting, and Avery’s friend ran for cover, but then he sensed something wrong and turned around, and that’s when he found Avery lying still on his stomach with his hands on his face. Avery’s friend recalled the tank passing by as if nothing had happened when they were all panicking and trying to get the ambulance.
Avery recovered fast and remarkably, 2 days later, and had to write down his thoughts as his mouth was distorted… One of the first sentences he wrote was: “I feel more Palestinian than ever before.” The day he was shot in the face was a week before his 25th birthday.
Extracted from the article on what happened after that; ‘Today he is back with his family in North Carolina. The Israeli Army has yet to take responsibility for his shooting. They sent out a press release the same day saying he was caught in crossfire between armed Palestinians and Israeli soldiers returning fire and that it was most likely a Palestinian bullet. I know that no gun besides the Israeli machinegun opened fire. I know we received no warning before the bullets started coming. I know the soldiers didn’t stop to help. Is that how it feels being Palestinian?’
Another heartbreaking incident… Tom Hurndall, a young photojournalist and an activist, part of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), was shot at the back of his head, while trying to save some traumatized Palestinian children who froze at the spot when the soldiers started shooting. He was in a coma for nine months until he died. He was 22.

Tom Hurndall was shot at the back of his head when he tried to save traumatized children from being shot.
Lastly, James Miller, a Welsh film-maker who was killed during the time he wanted to shoot a documentary on the Palestinian farmers and children. That night, he and his translator and colleague, went out of the villager’s house, to tell the soldiers, who were bulldozing the place outside which was claimed to have a tunnel underground where weapons from Egypt were smuggled, that they were foreigner television crew and not to shoot. They were wearing vests and helmets which had the word ‘TV’ on them, and were waving white cloth. Suddenly three shots were heard; the second shot hit Miller in the neck and killed him instantly. No one was held responsible for his death. The documentary named ‘Death in Gaza’ was released after that.
Of course I don’t believe this is all. There are many others out there who were sacrificed in this endless battle of trying to retrieve justice for those who have been waiting for so long for it… and peace of course.
So now I’m sure we all can see just how ugly, hideous and disgusting inhumanity is… Killing without a thought, just like that. They have no value or care for life. Every soul has their own personal life and others who love and depend on them. So when a person is killed, it IS a very huge thing. Life, love, family and many other things destroyed… I don’t have to elaborate on this. We all should know how terrible slaughter is.
And what happens to Palestine? It seems so helpless… To think that the people who have power to condemn and stop this oppression is not doing anything…but again I’d like to give this thought a chance; maybe the politicians could be threatened seriously or something…but still, this on-going conflict must be interrupted.
I tend to think that the oppression in Palestine is quite similar to the global-warming of Earth…
Problems arisen by mankind, where rescue attempts have become in vain…
But always remember, the ones we condemn are the oppressors, not the Israelis, not the Jews, not anything else, but the oppressors, who have no mercy for others.
The Holy Quran clearly declares that killing an innocent person is equivalent to killing the whole humanity. (5:32 Al-Ma idah) There is also a Hadith on oppressors and the oppressed. A ‘Hadith’ is the reports of the sayings and activities of Prophet Muhammad peace upon him, and his companions.
The hadith: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is oppressed.” The Prophet was asked: “It is right to help him if he is oppressed, but how should we help him if he is an oppressor?” He replied: “By preventing him from oppressing others.”
{Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Hadith 624}
Allaah Knows Best~
The Voices That Go Unheard (Saturday 5th June 2010 at 17:34 )
It wasn’t satisfying…but I like the title…
It seems fine
It’s windy, the sun still shines
I can enjoy the rest of the day, without a worry, on my mind
And yet I still do whine
Gotta go to the store, walk out of the door
It’s safe, as usual, outside
It’s a walking distance, yet I still ride
To get my dinner for tonight
I tend to forget, the lives of my distant brothers, sisters
Dying for freedom or, their rights they’re fighting for
When they’ve crossed the line, with their countless crimes
People, women, children suffer
It’s not fine, no, it’s not fine
Has it ever crossed your mind?
I’ve seen this before, it’s a never-ending war
So cruel that you can’t describe with words
Even so~
Who will speak out for the voices that go unheard
Can it ever be over?
Will there be a miracle tonight?
Out of the darkness, comes a light
We’re never sure
If only the world knows
If only they open their eyes and ears
Cuz they’ve never been aware
Or are they just so heartless not to care
The end doesn’t feel near, but we all know that doomsday does
I’m still standing right here, witnessing this ever since the past
When they’ve crossed the line, with their countless crimes
People, women, children suffer
It’s not fine, no, it’s not fine
Has it ever crossed your mind?
I’ve seen this before, it’s a never-ending war
So cruel that you can’t describe with words
Even so~
Who will speak out for the voices that go unheard
When they’ve crossed the line, with their countless crimes
People, women, children suffer
It’s not fine, no, it’s not fine
Has it ever crossed your mind?
I’ve seen this before, it’s a never-ending war
It’s so hard to believe, it’s crazy, it’s absurd
Only God knows
Cuz He hears their sorrow hearts that no one hears
Never-ending prayers for the voices that go unheard
It seems fine
It’s windy, the sun still shines
I can enjoy the rest of the day, without a worry, on my mind
And yet I still do whine
Gotta go to the store, walk out of the door
It’s safe, as usual, outside
It’s a walking distance, yet I still ride
To get my dinner for tonight
I tend to forget, the lives of my distant brothers, sisters
Dying for freedom or, their rights they’re fighting for
When they’ve crossed the line, with their countless crimes
People, women, children suffer
It’s not fine, no, it’s not fine
Has it ever crossed your mind?
I’ve seen this before, it’s a never-ending war
So cruel that you can’t describe with words
Even so~
Who will speak out for the voices that go unheard
Can it ever be over?
Will there be a miracle tonight?
Out of the darkness, comes a light
We’re never sure
If only the world knows
If only they open their eyes and ears
Cuz they’ve never been aware
Or are they just so heartless not to care
The end doesn’t feel near, but we all know that doomsday does
I’m still standing right here, witnessing this ever since the past
When they’ve crossed the line, with their countless crimes
People, women, children suffer
It’s not fine, no, it’s not fine
Has it ever crossed your mind?
I’ve seen this before, it’s a never-ending war
So cruel that you can’t describe with words
Even so~
Who will speak out for the voices that go unheard
When they’ve crossed the line, with their countless crimes
People, women, children suffer
It’s not fine, no, it’s not fine
Has it ever crossed your mind?
I’ve seen this before, it’s a never-ending war
It’s so hard to believe, it’s crazy, it’s absurd
Only God knows
Cuz He hears their sorrow hearts that no one hears
Never-ending prayers for the voices that go unheard
Strangers Can Love, Brothers Can Kill – article ( Wednesday, 02 June 2010 at 22:02 )
I’d appreciate any comments, opinions or reviews on this~
Strangers Can Love, Brothers Can Kill
We’re all aware that there are inhumane people around who are worse off than beasts in this world. I’d like to voice out my opinion that we can’t hate an entire group, just because of the uncivilized actions of some, that attracted a lot of attention to outsiders and that infamous incident becomes a responsibility that the entire group will have to bear, and a consequence they have to pay, including the well-behaved, who are in fact the majority in the group. In other words, we should not stereotype.
I’d like to relate this, to 2 things. Firstly, the on-going conflict between Israel and Palestine. Some believe Israel is right, some believe Palestine is right. I just wanna say something that most may not have known; Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Muslims lived in harmony. Even till now, I believe there are still some Jews who are in good terms with Palestinian Muslims. The oppressed, majority of them are Muslims, as we know, but there are also some Jews who are also fighting against the same oppressor who are oppressing the Palestinians, same goes with Palestinian Christians. Even some Israelis are against the wrong actions of their own people.
Yes, we know the history of the ‘Yahudi’ who always deny the revelations revealed to them. We should be against these disbelievers, but not the entire bloodline, because there are Jewish Muslims.
Secondly, which is also very important, is regarding the misunderstanding of Islaam. Some people actually thought Islaam was spread by the sword, by violence, by force. Some misunderstood Islaam as a religion that teaches and promotes terrorism. For your information, the word ‘Islaam’, the root word is ‘salam’, which means peace, and also submission (to God). (I stand corrected.)
Like I said earlier, just because of the uncivilized actions of some from a group that attracted a lot of attention to outsiders, the infamous incident also becomes the fault of the innocents in the group, which is the very majority! That is so not fair – who wants to contradict this?
So,… small, random things that happen can turn out to have a great impact and consequence, that’s why it’s just too bad if the little factors are in fact wrong, you know what I mean. It’s like the little group of terrorists or extremists that all of a sudden became the centre of attraction of the media, representing Islaam, which is so wrong! Therefore I’d like to advice you; Look at Islaam, not Muslims. A very simple example that I can give to support this is that if you look at a random man that will give you an idea of how Men are like, and if that particular man whom you chose to be an example turns out to be a sissy, then you are misled.
Yes, Islaam promotes ‘jihad’ but do you know what exactly is jihad? It is seeking for justice you deserve, it is fighting those who have driven you out of your homes, it is treating your oppressors the way they have mistreated you, but don’t exceed the limits, Verily Allaah does not like those who go beyond the limits. This is not my statement, I’m referring to the statement from the Qur’aan, the word of the One and Only God of everything – Allaah.
2nd chapter, Al-Baqarah (the cow), verse 178.
I would like to thank you sincerely for sparing me your attention. I’d also like to inform you that this ‘freedom of speech’ of mine was inspired by others’ inspiring speeches and stories. So haha, if you find this inspiring, credit also goes to them. Lastly, I’d like to just conclude this with a brief declaration that Verily, all knowledge is from the One and Only God of Everything – Allaah.
I stand corrected.
- Noordini Noorfuad نور الإسلام
Strangers Can Love, Brothers Can Kill
We’re all aware that there are inhumane people around who are worse off than beasts in this world. I’d like to voice out my opinion that we can’t hate an entire group, just because of the uncivilized actions of some, that attracted a lot of attention to outsiders and that infamous incident becomes a responsibility that the entire group will have to bear, and a consequence they have to pay, including the well-behaved, who are in fact the majority in the group. In other words, we should not stereotype.
I’d like to relate this, to 2 things. Firstly, the on-going conflict between Israel and Palestine. Some believe Israel is right, some believe Palestine is right. I just wanna say something that most may not have known; Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Muslims lived in harmony. Even till now, I believe there are still some Jews who are in good terms with Palestinian Muslims. The oppressed, majority of them are Muslims, as we know, but there are also some Jews who are also fighting against the same oppressor who are oppressing the Palestinians, same goes with Palestinian Christians. Even some Israelis are against the wrong actions of their own people.
Yes, we know the history of the ‘Yahudi’ who always deny the revelations revealed to them. We should be against these disbelievers, but not the entire bloodline, because there are Jewish Muslims.
Secondly, which is also very important, is regarding the misunderstanding of Islaam. Some people actually thought Islaam was spread by the sword, by violence, by force. Some misunderstood Islaam as a religion that teaches and promotes terrorism. For your information, the word ‘Islaam’, the root word is ‘salam’, which means peace, and also submission (to God). (I stand corrected.)
Like I said earlier, just because of the uncivilized actions of some from a group that attracted a lot of attention to outsiders, the infamous incident also becomes the fault of the innocents in the group, which is the very majority! That is so not fair – who wants to contradict this?
So,… small, random things that happen can turn out to have a great impact and consequence, that’s why it’s just too bad if the little factors are in fact wrong, you know what I mean. It’s like the little group of terrorists or extremists that all of a sudden became the centre of attraction of the media, representing Islaam, which is so wrong! Therefore I’d like to advice you; Look at Islaam, not Muslims. A very simple example that I can give to support this is that if you look at a random man that will give you an idea of how Men are like, and if that particular man whom you chose to be an example turns out to be a sissy, then you are misled.
Yes, Islaam promotes ‘jihad’ but do you know what exactly is jihad? It is seeking for justice you deserve, it is fighting those who have driven you out of your homes, it is treating your oppressors the way they have mistreated you, but don’t exceed the limits, Verily Allaah does not like those who go beyond the limits. This is not my statement, I’m referring to the statement from the Qur’aan, the word of the One and Only God of everything – Allaah.
2nd chapter, Al-Baqarah (the cow), verse 178.
I would like to thank you sincerely for sparing me your attention. I’d also like to inform you that this ‘freedom of speech’ of mine was inspired by others’ inspiring speeches and stories. So haha, if you find this inspiring, credit also goes to them. Lastly, I’d like to just conclude this with a brief declaration that Verily, all knowledge is from the One and Only God of Everything – Allaah.
I stand corrected.
- Noordini Noorfuad نور الإسلام
Inspired by Palestine. ( Tuesday, 01 June 2010 at 13:47 )
They took away my food
It’s okay Alhamdulillaah
I still have water
They took away my water
It’s okay Alhamdulillaah
I still have my home
They took away my home
It’s okay Alhamdulillaah
I still have my family
They took away my family
It’s almost too much already
Ya Allaah! Convince me it’s okay, Alhamdulillaah
For I still have You
Although they can take away my last possession
My life
They can never take You away from me
They took away my food
It’s okay Alhamdulillaah
I still have water
They took away my water
It’s okay Alhamdulillaah
I still have my home
They took away my home
It’s okay Alhamdulillaah
I still have my family
They took away my family
It’s almost too much already
Ya Allaah! Convince me it’s okay, Alhamdulillaah
For I still have You
Although they can take away my last possession
My life
They can never take You away from me

Short Cozy Morning Poem To Start Your Day ( Saturday, 29 May 2010 at 22:37 )
فقل: الحمدلله
Therefore say: Alhamdulillaah (Praise Be To Allaah)
(Regarding the 3rd line of the 1st stanza, you can imagine the persona of the poem sleeping after his Subh prayers, okay? Hahaa~)
Another day to wake up from
Awakened by the morning birds’ song
Eyes blinded by the morning sun ray
I thank Allaah he let me wake up another day
It feels so nice to stay in bed
Should I sleep some more and wake up late?
With the blowing breeze and the cozy blanket
And the puffed up pillow like a cloud under my head
There’s too much blessings we can count just this morning
The comfort, the luxury, the fact that we can afford to continue sleeping
Good times, bad times, anytime, remember Him
Gratitude is always important, remember always, dear Muslim~
Therefore say: Alhamdulillaah (Praise Be To Allaah)
(Regarding the 3rd line of the 1st stanza, you can imagine the persona of the poem sleeping after his Subh prayers, okay? Hahaa~)
Another day to wake up from
Awakened by the morning birds’ song
Eyes blinded by the morning sun ray
I thank Allaah he let me wake up another day
It feels so nice to stay in bed
Should I sleep some more and wake up late?
With the blowing breeze and the cozy blanket
And the puffed up pillow like a cloud under my head
There’s too much blessings we can count just this morning
The comfort, the luxury, the fact that we can afford to continue sleeping
Good times, bad times, anytime, remember Him
Gratitude is always important, remember always, dear Muslim~
Muhammad صلّى الله عليه و سلّم Blessings & Peace Upon Him ( Thursday, 27 May 2010 at 21:21 )
I’ve never come to your lessons, but I know you’re a Great Teacher
I’ve never heard you preach, but I know you’re a Great Preacher
I’ve never seen you and your family, but I know you’re a Great Lover
And I’ve never seen you at all but I know you’re His Greatest Believer
It’s been so long since you left your beloved Ummah
You left us all with the Holy Qur’aan and your sunnah
Yet some of us forget the sacrifices you made and the hardships you’ve gone through
I pray to Allaah and ask Him to make me a loyal follower of you
Peace and blessings be upon you, your family, your companions, your followers
You were always the great example for others
You always pray to Him no matter when or where
Because you Know and you Believe He is always there
Love your Prophet more than your family and belongings but love Allaah the Most
Verily he wants to share his precious gift from Allaah with his ummah – the river of goodness that flows
With Allaah’s will, this poem will spread the message and He will forever lead us to the right way
And may He help us remember Him and His most beloved, every moment, everyday
Ameen Yaa Rabbal ‘Aalameen, Ameen O Lord Of The Universe
(Completed at 2051 hrs, 08:51 PM, Thursday, 27th May 2010)

I’ve never heard you preach, but I know you’re a Great Preacher
I’ve never seen you and your family, but I know you’re a Great Lover
And I’ve never seen you at all but I know you’re His Greatest Believer
It’s been so long since you left your beloved Ummah
You left us all with the Holy Qur’aan and your sunnah
Yet some of us forget the sacrifices you made and the hardships you’ve gone through
I pray to Allaah and ask Him to make me a loyal follower of you
Peace and blessings be upon you, your family, your companions, your followers
You were always the great example for others
You always pray to Him no matter when or where
Because you Know and you Believe He is always there
Love your Prophet more than your family and belongings but love Allaah the Most
Verily he wants to share his precious gift from Allaah with his ummah – the river of goodness that flows
With Allaah’s will, this poem will spread the message and He will forever lead us to the right way
And may He help us remember Him and His most beloved, every moment, everyday
Ameen Yaa Rabbal ‘Aalameen, Ameen O Lord Of The Universe
(Completed at 2051 hrs, 08:51 PM, Thursday, 27th May 2010)

Random Poem Of The Day: On Life (Monday, 17 May 2010 at 10:38 )
‘Which of the blessings of your Lord will you deny?’
He created more than just the earth and further than the sky
He gave you life, looks, love, intelligence, and do you think that’s it?
You can never count his favours, and still people live with greed
He’s the Most Merciful, He’s the Most Loving
He’s the Lord Of The Universe, Allaahu Rabbul ‘Aalameen
‘I have only created jinns and men, that they may serve Me’
Our mission in this life is written in the Qur’aan, verse 56 of chapter 60
You live your life; you smile, you laugh, you cry, you frown, you squirm…
Ever since the time when you were just a baby, till now, reading this poem
But are you actually sure that you will live this temporary life longer?
Assume you’ll die at 80 so that for now you’ll delay your prayer?
One of the main points here is gratittude, my Brothers and Sisters
Believe in Allaah ONLY, don’t be like the disbelievers
Verily I am also sharing the same mission with all of you
Thank Allaah for everything, and for reading this poem, I’d also like to Thank You~

He created more than just the earth and further than the sky
He gave you life, looks, love, intelligence, and do you think that’s it?
You can never count his favours, and still people live with greed
He’s the Most Merciful, He’s the Most Loving
He’s the Lord Of The Universe, Allaahu Rabbul ‘Aalameen
‘I have only created jinns and men, that they may serve Me’
Our mission in this life is written in the Qur’aan, verse 56 of chapter 60
You live your life; you smile, you laugh, you cry, you frown, you squirm…
Ever since the time when you were just a baby, till now, reading this poem
But are you actually sure that you will live this temporary life longer?
Assume you’ll die at 80 so that for now you’ll delay your prayer?
One of the main points here is gratittude, my Brothers and Sisters
Believe in Allaah ONLY, don’t be like the disbelievers
Verily I am also sharing the same mission with all of you
Thank Allaah for everything, and for reading this poem, I’d also like to Thank You~

أشْتَاق إِلَيْكَ, يا أخي صَدِيْقِي I miss you, O my Brother, my Companion (Sunday, 16 May 2010 at 09:11 )
*I’m writing as a man who misses his good friend-brother~
I feel the raindrops cleanse my face
On this sad, sad day
I felt relieved that my tears are gone
Now that they’re washed away
But still I can’t control it
My eyes can’t stop my tears from flowing
Cuz the pain is just too much
I just can’t fight this feeling
I feel so sorry, dear Lord
For the fact that I’m sad
Cuz I still miss him and there’s still sorrow
In every tear I shed
I met him and we became best-brothers
I can’t believe he left so soon
But this is the reality we have to face
إنّ لله, وإنّ اِلَيْهِ راجِعون (Inna Lillaahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raaji’uun)
[that means: Verily we came from Him, and verily to Him we return]
dini copyright.
I just found out that a sister named Tiara Malihah, aged 16, just died that morning, coincidentally.
Let us all ’sedekahkan’(give) Al-Faatihah for her, and to those who have returned before us, including those who died in the flotilla of ships heading to Gaza.
And may Allaah SWT take us back when we are in our best Imaan, and take us back in a good way to die.
InsyaAllaah, Ameen Ya Rabbal ‘Aalameen.
I feel the raindrops cleanse my face
On this sad, sad day
I felt relieved that my tears are gone
Now that they’re washed away
But still I can’t control it
My eyes can’t stop my tears from flowing
Cuz the pain is just too much
I just can’t fight this feeling
I feel so sorry, dear Lord
For the fact that I’m sad
Cuz I still miss him and there’s still sorrow
In every tear I shed
I met him and we became best-brothers
I can’t believe he left so soon
But this is the reality we have to face
إنّ لله, وإنّ اِلَيْهِ راجِعون (Inna Lillaahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raaji’uun)
[that means: Verily we came from Him, and verily to Him we return]
dini copyright.
I just found out that a sister named Tiara Malihah, aged 16, just died that morning, coincidentally.
Let us all ’sedekahkan’(give) Al-Faatihah for her, and to those who have returned before us, including those who died in the flotilla of ships heading to Gaza.
And may Allaah SWT take us back when we are in our best Imaan, and take us back in a good way to die.
InsyaAllaah, Ameen Ya Rabbal ‘Aalameen.

Your Perfect Girl ( Wednesday, 12 May 2010 at 17:03 )
Her touch is a privilege She won’t share with just anyone
She can bear 9 months of pain which you know you can’t
You should be grateful despite anything She is still here
If not, Mister, what are you without Her?
She’s the girl of your heart, She’s the mother of your descendants
She’s the reason to your smile, She’s the relief in your disappointment
You feel your forehead on the ground as you thank Allaah for giving you Her
And to bless your love so that it’ll be forever
The best love is without a doubt, one that’s Halal and blessed
The greatest love that stands out and lasts longer than the rest
Therefore protect your family and appreciate them well
For they are the precious gifts from Allaah, which you can never buy and sell
Doesn’t it sound perfect?: ‘Alhamdulillaah, I Live A Blissful Life..’
‘I love my family; my adorable children and my beloved wife.’
But the best thing of all that sounds so great to be true
Is the fact that she gives her love to no other man but you~
(take note: ‘no other man’ excludes mahram; father, brother, uncle, grandfather…)
dini copyright.
“I wish to encourage my Brothers & Sisters towards True Islaamic Love, and I wish to strongly discourage them from falling into the influences of haram love. Please, Be Careful.”

She can bear 9 months of pain which you know you can’t
You should be grateful despite anything She is still here
If not, Mister, what are you without Her?
She’s the girl of your heart, She’s the mother of your descendants
She’s the reason to your smile, She’s the relief in your disappointment
You feel your forehead on the ground as you thank Allaah for giving you Her
And to bless your love so that it’ll be forever
The best love is without a doubt, one that’s Halal and blessed
The greatest love that stands out and lasts longer than the rest
Therefore protect your family and appreciate them well
For they are the precious gifts from Allaah, which you can never buy and sell
Doesn’t it sound perfect?: ‘Alhamdulillaah, I Live A Blissful Life..’
‘I love my family; my adorable children and my beloved wife.’
But the best thing of all that sounds so great to be true
Is the fact that she gives her love to no other man but you~
(take note: ‘no other man’ excludes mahram; father, brother, uncle, grandfather…)
dini copyright.
“I wish to encourage my Brothers & Sisters towards True Islaamic Love, and I wish to strongly discourage them from falling into the influences of haram love. Please, Be Careful.”

Translation Of The Last Sermon
ATTENTION: Okay, this is NOT MINE. I just want to share this with everyone…
This is the translation of the last khutbah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings upon him, his family, his companions, and his followers~:
“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.
O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn ‘Abd’al Muttalib (Prophet’s uncle) shall henceforth be waived…
Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.
O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.
O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.
Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people."
SubhaanAllaah~ Very much well said… All Praise To Allaah for his intelligence and great concern for us all…
This is the translation of the last khutbah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings upon him, his family, his companions, and his followers~:
“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.
O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn ‘Abd’al Muttalib (Prophet’s uncle) shall henceforth be waived…
Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.
O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste.
O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.
Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to your people."
SubhaanAllaah~ Very much well said… All Praise To Allaah for his intelligence and great concern for us all…

Guide Us To The Right Way اهدِنَــــا الصِّرَاطَ المُستَقِيمَ ( Tuesday, 04 May 2010 at 16:00 )
In this undescribable state, I feel so lost
Seeking refuge in desperation from an unfamiliar source
Let out a tear of joy and gratitude as I found my way
Allaah, Oh Allaah, please maintain me in the Right Way
Allaah please forgive me for I’m a human full of sin
May all of us be guided to the right path, IhdinasSiraattal Mustaqeem, aameen.
Seeking refuge in desperation from an unfamiliar source
Let out a tear of joy and gratitude as I found my way
Allaah, Oh Allaah, please maintain me in the Right Way
Allaah please forgive me for I’m a human full of sin
May all of us be guided to the right path, IhdinasSiraattal Mustaqeem, aameen.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Introduction To This Blog Of Mine~
Peace Be Upon All Of You~
I use this blog to publish my writings here, just as how I use my other blog...
So, please comment or judge my writings, so that I can improve to write better and benefit others and hopefully your comments can be a motivation to me.
I inspire to be a Da'ee too. A Da'ee is someone who does Da'wa or preach, but for my case, through an interesting and attractive way InsyaaAllaah (with Allaah's Will)
Extracted from my alternate blog on Intro:
Assalaamu’alaykum ~ السلام عليكم
O Allaah, Lord Of The Universe, I Wish To Inspire Others With Your Deen, Your Words, And Your Will~
Ameen InsyaaAllaah~
Welcome Readers, once again, Assalaamu’alaikum… I am a Singaporean student pursuing Islaamic Studies and I write poems and stuff when I get inspiration and I’d love to share them with others. However if you want to use any of my works, I trust you to ask permission from me first as Muslims respect others’ belongings and ‘amanah’.
I will appreciate it if you leave a comment… You can judge my work of course, it would be nice, so that I can improve in my future writings…
And lastly,…thank you for dropping by~
I use this blog to publish my writings here, just as how I use my other blog...
So, please comment or judge my writings, so that I can improve to write better and benefit others and hopefully your comments can be a motivation to me.
I inspire to be a Da'ee too. A Da'ee is someone who does Da'wa or preach, but for my case, through an interesting and attractive way InsyaaAllaah (with Allaah's Will)
Extracted from my alternate blog on Intro:
Assalaamu’alaykum ~ السلام عليكم
O Allaah, Lord Of The Universe, I Wish To Inspire Others With Your Deen, Your Words, And Your Will~
Ameen InsyaaAllaah~
Welcome Readers, once again, Assalaamu’alaikum… I am a Singaporean student pursuing Islaamic Studies and I write poems and stuff when I get inspiration and I’d love to share them with others. However if you want to use any of my works, I trust you to ask permission from me first as Muslims respect others’ belongings and ‘amanah’.
I will appreciate it if you leave a comment… You can judge my work of course, it would be nice, so that I can improve in my future writings…
And lastly,…thank you for dropping by~
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