A blessed wife
A Muslim family
A number of filial offspring
An ever-lasting love
Peace and blessings be upon all of you~
I apologize for haven't been writing anything yet. I haven't had any inspiration or mood, and I have been quite busy these days.
Alright, I guess I'll be writing on this attractive topic – Love In Islaam. However, please forgive me for I haven't been in love (HAHA!) Hey, but that's good isn't it? It's not the right time yet c:
As a young Muslim girl student, I have been going from a class to another, from a school to another, from a level to another and etcetera, and I've made friends along the way. My view on friendship, is that I don't really treasure it much, as I believe friends don't last forever. I could never find the true perfect friend but of course there's one or two who's the best, but in the end we all go separate ways, just like what my father said.
So however, I find many around me involved in the boyfriend-girlfriend thing, or love before marriage, or love not yet legal and official. To be honest, I found it annoying and suffocating. I mean, it's all around! Something unacceptable which has turned into a norm...something I couldn't accept and will not accept.
So, I wish to write something nice to be read and InshaaAllaah can inspire others and discourage them from it.
I recently edited a photo I found online, and hopefully, this is something super-inspiring and life-changing, or should I use the word 'modify'? Yes, something that can modify lives, InshaaAllaah~
Wouldn't it be nice if I get a good-looking man, who's around 2-3 years older than me, who never smoked a cigarette, who's never been in a romance-relationship like me, who's smart and is a receiver of Nouru-Allaah and not forgetting Hubbu-Allaah,and who honestly thinks this way?:

insyaAllah you will meet your dream guy :)